July 8, 2009

Crafting ADD?

Well, it's hit again and for good reason. I am bored with knitting, more specifically bored with knitting wool socks in the heat and humidity that is summer in Texas. I've ordered some patterns for cotton, hemp, and/0r linen to get me through.

In the meantime (which should be the title of my life story) I've started beading and creating jewelry. I reasoned that ordering a monthly beading kit might just be the kick in the butt I needed to get back to creating and I was right. Of course, the kits had to sit around and accumulate for several months, but once I started, there is no stopping! Granted, stringing beads is not that complicated, but it's the act of deciding which beads convey the message, how many strands of wire to use and what colors are best for the person that is the creative part. OK, I actually think it's the picking up and fondling of the many different kinds of beads that makes me feel better, but whatever it is, it's working!

I will post some pictures of the latest creations soon.


Anonymous said...

being crafty keeps me sane.

Queentypo said...

Me too. However with the last six months,sanity hasn't really been an option and the crafting just went out the window with the sanity.