January 31, 2011

Wow, this new world is an amazing place!

It's been another six months...I have to get back into this blogging thingy!

I've now been single for just about a year and started dating again in November. I've met some wonderful men, I've met some crazy men, I've met some men who think middle-aged women are sex-crazed freaks. I dated one gentlemen for several weeks and our work schedules just didn't allow us to develop a real relationship. I've learned about myself and I've been through enough relationships to know what I don't want in a relationship and I'm finally old enough and wise enough to start recognizing what I DO want in a relationship.

I'm learning what I like in life, without basing that on someone else's opinion or building my life around their likes and dislikes. I fully believe in supporting a partner in whatever they want to do, but I shouldn't have to drastically change my own belief structure to fit in their life or for them to fit in mine. Yeah, I know, I'm a slow learner, but at least I'm learning and enjoying the lessons. The man who is currently becoming involved in my life is funny, good looking (always a plus), smart, witty, intelligent, can hold his own in a room of people, and is really teaching me to open my heart again.

The side effect of having a social life is that there is little time to knit, create, stamp, whatever. So I'm just going to use this more as a journal to keep everyone informed of all that life is currently offering me. I am learning to love life again and opening my heart is resulting in some good times with lots of laughter. Hope y'all can say the same about your lives this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This makes me happy to read. I am glad you are getting your feet wet and trying out the scene. You have lots to offer a stable, sane, relationship!