January 23, 2009

New Firsts

In the midst of all this grief, we are struck again. The King of Typos was laid off last Friday. I have been unable to deal much with this since I'm so overwhelmed with Dad's death. He is looking for a job in Texas (or within a few hours of our parents). If you know of any mechanical design or graphic arts jobs....please let us know.

I also feel like we're all beginning with new firsts. This will be the first Sunday without dad, etc. Today was also my parents' 51st anniversary.

Thank you so much for the emails, the comments, the text messages and the hugs that have been sent my direction. I am awash in grace each time I read one of your messages or receive an email. Thank you again.

And yes, those are the first of many thank-you's that we owe.


Jen & Bill said...

I'm sorry sorry the loss of the your beloved father. It is very hard to lose a family member. I can only tell you in time it does get easier but you never ever forget.

Please be take care of yourself and your husband.

Anonymous said...

From one Beth to another, you are in my thoughts. What a lot to deal with all at the same time. I hope the shadows fade soon and sun shines on you and yours soon.

Karrie said...

So sorry about your father. Hopefully the job loss turns into something better.

Michele said...

So sorry for your recdent losses. I hope the coming days and weeks will bring you some peace.